
Current Trainings

Six Sigma Champion Training

Current Trainings

Six Sigma Yellow Belt

Current Trainings

Coach Training

Current Trainings

Practical Task & Project Management

Current Trainings

Train the Trainer

Current Trainings

Organization developement training

We are also available to our clients with sustainability training courses that can be integrated into GINOP Proposals to support the "green transition"!

Our sustainability training can be integrated into GINOP tenders

Organization Development OD training

Our Philosophy

Our purpose is to support organisations, teams and individuals in reaching their maximum in value add creation in their own contexts.

We make this happen through development of human, as well as process driven factors.

Our skills, process and organisation development activities support our clients in the following aspects:


Reach a more mature organisation cycle helping them maintain and increase their profits

Unleash their potentials in human resources

Provide the highest quality soft skills development for their employees

Raise competence levels of their employees, hence creating added value to the organisation

Create a success-oriented and attractive organisation culture

Increase their customers’ satisfaction

Speed up their change processes

Reach a more sustainable and cost-effective way of working

The capability to introduce and implement projects is the key driver for competitiveness. An organisation has to keep its integrity and mission, yet a great amount of organisational flexibility is also needed


Organisation Development

We offer supportive partnership to our clients helping them realize their potential. We contribute great value add through organisation diagnoses, development methods embraced by the organisation, and through our exceptional knowledge base integrating international know-hows. For these to happen, we provide sincerity, endurance, a holistic view, as well as well-defined processes.


Soft Skill Development

We put special emphasis on the sponsorship and acceptance from the organisation’s side of our interventions – be it training, workshop or coaching. Therefore, our development processes are strongly aligned with our clients’ intentions and participation. Training methods are closely aligned with our development goals – and not the other way around. Our methodological kit includes training, individual and team coaching, group facilitation and supervision.


Operational Efficiency Improvement

We firmly believe that there is always great potential in the optimisation of organisational excellence. Nevertheless, we do not believe in ‘instant magic’, ‘excel-based tricks’ or well-designed yet superficial solutions.


Project Management

Throughout OD processes, once the vision, mission and main strategic goals are formulated, what could be the best method to reach our goals? Our focus is to create this ideal organisation through the easiest and most optimal paths.


Open-call Trainings

For many decades, we provide our clients with open-call trainings, to support them in their personal growth. Our training programmes are high quality learning opportunities, where learning is facilitated through own-experience learning methods. Our programmes are among the most respected training opportunities, and our students keep on joining further programmes later.


Online trainings

Our company has been engaged in blended and online training since 2018. Through our national and international training groups, we have gained the necessary experience to conduct online trainings effectively and credibly.


We like to work with our clients as real consultants, reaching maximum results

News, Case Studies

Our sustainability training can be integrated into GINOP tenders

We are also available to our clients with sustainability training courses that can be integrated into GINOP Proposals to support the "green transition"!


To make an impact on our profession



About our Train the Trainer programme: - from a participant’s point of view

Interview with Pálffy Magdi, career development trainer, founder of ‘Női Pálya’, certified trainer from Sämling’s 15 th Train the Trainer group


Operational efficiency development with a metal industry production company employing ~150 people

STARTING POINT; CLIENT NEEDS : The CEO and production leader of a West-Hungarian production company participated at one of our open-call, 5-day Lean Manager training. At the end of the training they committed to seek our help from time-to-time should they need assistance in developments. The Hungarian plant was a pioneer since Lean management principles were not used in the entirety of the group.


Further News

We can handle highly complex organisations, where methods are adapted to the culture, lifecycle and leadership style of the organisation

Porttitor Lectus


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Customer Service

+36 1 438 05 94

+36 1 212 50 71


H-1124 Budapest, Németvölgyi út 64.


Parking possibilities

In front of the office, it’s a paying parking area. Parking is free of charge from Németvölgyi út and Bürök street corner (the big junction at the turn of the road towards Németvölgyi út).
Please pay careful attention to the paying parking zone, since there are no-pay zones in the nearby streets.


Bus 102 from Déli Pályaudvar, Németvölgyi út stop

Tram 59 from Széll Kálmán tér, Zólyomi lépcső stop

Bus 112 from Uránia, Apor Vilmos tér stop

Bus 105 from Deák Ferenc tér, Stromfeld Aurél stop

On foot from Apor Vilmos tér, 2 minutes away from Hegyvidék shopping mall.