Péter Dr. Fónagy-Árva - Sämling Solution Consulting
Client partners

Péter Dr. Fónagy-Árva

Sales area

Why do I do it?

I believe that as a Client Partner, I can take part in establishing a cooperation that is beneficial and fruitful for both parties, by linking the demand and the supply, by clarifying and specifying the clients’ goals, by customizing the services we provide to the needs of the client and by continuously working for high quality in the preparation stage, the professional implementation and the related administrative processes as well.

How do I do it?

I always strive to be authentic in the eyes of our customers. I have been working for 17 years in the competitive sector, including more than 10 years as a leader. I think that due to this, I understand the language of our clients well, I know a significant part of their problems from my own practice, I can think together with them, not just from the provider point of view, but also imagining myself in the place of the other side

Where and what do I do?

As a Client Partner, I work on the establishment of mutually beneficial opportunities for cooperation with our current and future clients, as well as the monitoring of the professional implementation and the additional administrative processes until their closure, so that the implementation happens as planned, and if possible, not even the smallest inhibiting factors hinder the successful cooperation.
