Mariann Pádár - Sämling Solution Consulting
Trainers, consultants

Mariann Pádár

Trainer, Organisational Development Consultant

Organizational development - Cultural Development, Organizational development - Project Culture, Project Management Training, Skills Development Training

Why do I do it?

I like the moment in my work when a common understanding of a situation, opportunity, problem is born. Even the air changes in the room, it fills with new energies that all work towards finding a solution, until finally, the enduring labor is crowned with some kind of enlightenment. A plan about what we want to see at the end of the road and how we can get there. It is a great experience to follow the process and see that the work we do together has a certain power, a real impact on individuals, groups, and the whole organization.

How do I do it?

What I can do as a trainer-consultant to help our clients achieve their goals:

  • I introduce knowledge into the organization if some knowledge or know-how is missing
  • I catalyze the knowledge that is already there, but it is dormant for some reason
  • I help diagnose the present state, bring different perspectives, experiences, and situation interpretations so that we can start from a common platform
  • we analyze, evaluate, and look for connections together
  • combined with the feedback of the diagnosis, we negotiate with the clients about what the data tells them, how the results can be interpreted in their organizational context and culture
  • we plan and implement together

I believe in the process-consulting model, that the client is the “guru” of the topic, they know it in detail, they are the ones that get to where they want to be, and the ones that in the end, enjoy the fruits of the labor. I see my task in supporting the clients, suitably to the situation, with questions, guidance, expertise, or even just a good conversation. I follow these principles, be the task training or organizational development.

This knowledge and faith was founded at the Human Management Department of the Corvinus University of Budapest, and I am glad that at Sämling Solution Consulting, I can work with colleagues with whom I speak a common language, and from whom I can learn new things every day.

Where and what do I do?

I typically hold project management, change management trainings and support organizational development processes. But from time to time I am invited as a lecturer in adult education and help civil organizations to move forward in organizational, operational and project management issues.
