Cultural Development

HR Consulting

Key People Ability Assessment (DC), Selection (AC), Individual Ability, Personality and Motivation Assessment (SHL tests), Job Positioning, Review of Positions and Competencies, Establishment or Review of a Compensation Scheme. With a wide range of personalized tests and the help of our experienced consultants, you can easily and effectively guide your HR processes.

Assessment centre / Development centre

We offer our AC/DC programme to organisations that want to carefully select their key people, consciously develop their employees and maintain a high level of motivation.
The Assessment Centre (AC) is used to select employees for a specific position, while the Development Centre (DC) helps to establish the development process and prudent career planning by measuring the competencies of employees in a specific position.

HR Consulting - Sämling Solution Consulting
HR Consulting - Sämling Solution Consulting

Competency and personality assessments

We work with a wide range of surveys, you can leave the whole process to us!

  • SHL personality tests
  • SHL competency tests
  • 360 surveys
  • PXT tests
  • DISC tests

Job analysis and evaluation

Our consultants have decades of experience in this field, you can leave the whole process to us!

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