
With nearly two decades of operation, we boast a very colorful market portfolio.

Automotive industry

Eissmann - Sämling Solution Consulting


Automotive industry
Leadership skills development programme for production managers. Moderation techniques for middle and senior managers. Preparation of the trainer team for their training tasks, development of the training/mentoring activities of production trainers through training courses.

Eagle Industry - Sämling Solution Consulting

Eagle Industry

Automotive industry
Improvement of the basic leadership skills of managers, development of specific activities (performance appraisal, conflict management, assertive communication, motivation, generation management). Improvement of the training/mentoring of production trainers.
Quality approach training, field-based team coaching.

SICK - Sämling Solution Consulting


Automotive industry
A 6-year development programme for the organisation's middle and senior managers. From the basics to training on very specific topics (spiral dynamics, generation management, outdoor training, etc.). 3-year leadership training for line managers.

Vitesco - Sämling Solution Consulting


Automotive industry

Soft skills training as part of the training palette.
Train the trainer programmes for production managers and production trainers. Methodological training for internal trainers.
Practical problem-solving training.

Continental - Sämling Solution Consulting


Automotive industry
Lean training programmes, project management training, energy efficiency training.

Hankook - Sämling Solution Consulting


Automotive industry

Hankook, Leadership Development Programme
Negotiation techniques, Six Sigma training programmes

MAHLE Compressors Hungary - Sämling Solution Consulting

MAHLE Compressors Hungary

Automotive industry
Lean trainings, project management trainings, trainings for internal trainers, other soft skill trainings.

Michelin - Sämling Solution Consulting


Automotive industry
Soft skill trainings based on the training palette.

Audi - Sämling Solution Consulting


Automotive industry
Soft skill trainings based on the training palette.

NIO - Sämling Solution Consulting


Automotive industry
Training and coaching programme for senior and middle managers.

Production sector

HK Ceram - Sämling Solution Consulting

HK Ceram

Production sector
Lean training and application

VilleroyBoch - Sämling Solution Consulting


Production sector
Lean training and application (PorceLean programme)

Hungerit - Sämling Solution Consulting


Production sector
Efficiency improvement with coningency fees programme

IKARUS - Sämling Solution Consulting


Production sector
Strategic planning workshop

Velux - Sämling Solution Consulting


Production sector
Lean Leadership leadership development, Logistics rapid diagnostics, Project management manual/developing standards for product transfer projects, Project management training programmes, Business Impact Management System consulting, Time management trainings

HÜBNER - Sämling Solution Consulting


Production sector

A leadership development programme for direct production managers, middle managers, supported by an LMS system and a personal coaching process. Development of the teaching skills of production trainers, internal trainers, methodology development.
Development Centre: Specific development tasks tailored to the aim and the target group; training of internal observers, conducting a DC day; deep breakdown of competencies and their link to behavioural indicators, personal feedback to participants on strengths and points for improvement.

Solvaro - Sämling Solution Consulting


Production sector
Leadership development - Our complex middle management skills development programme, which complements the strategic development of the company, had been supporting the participants for several months. SHL testing, multi-day trainings and 3 coaching sessions per participant to support sustainable change for middle managers.

Howmet - Sämling Solution Consulting


Production sector
Change management, strategy development - leading the conceptualisation process through training and workshop implementation in a prominent change process, focusing on 1-year and short-term strategy development. Leadership development for adaptive change management.

AQ Anton - Sämling Solution Consulting

AQ Anton

Production sector
Organisational improvement project - Mapping of processes (Swim-Lane/VSM) through data collection and analysis, interviews, site visits and plant observations; evaluation of results and formulation of improvement measures and project ideas in a workshop involving colleagues.

Bosch Automotive Steering - Sämling Solution Consulting

Bosch Automotive Steering

Production sector
International leadership development and intercultural programme, Project management training programmes.

Hoya - Sämling Solution Consulting


Production sector
Lead time reduction, quality improvement, Lean training programmes
On-Time-Delivery and efficiency improvement (consulting).
Six Sigma Green Belt and Champion programmes.

LEGO Manufacturing Kft. - Sämling Solution Consulting

LEGO Manufacturing Kft.

Production sector
Energy use in everyday life trainings
Lean trainings

Digiterm - Sämling Solution Consulting


Production sector
Lean training programmes, VSM, Pull-Kanban-Supermarket design

Pylon94 - Sämling Solution Consulting


Production sector
Improving efficiency and processes, increasing profitability.

Financial sector

Intrum - Sämling Solution Consulting


Financial sector
Skill and Replacement Matrix - Assessment of internal processes in the context of organisational development and change management; identification of human risk and bottlenecks; Development of an action plan with appropriate priorities; all of these combined with leadership development.

KH - Sämling Solution Consulting


Financial sector
Train the trainer programme for the internal training team, a continuous development programme over 4 years. Shadow coaching, other training programmes. Training programme in training methodology for professional facilitators, training of internal trainers to conduct online trainings.

Raiffeisen Bank - Sämling Solution Consulting

Raiffeisen Bank

Financial sector
Learning Methods - Focus on Self-learning - learning techniques, individual learning style and development approach - growth mindset.
Time management, negotiation skills trainings.

OTP Bank - Sämling Solution Consulting

OTP Bank

Financial sector
Leadership Academy programme, problem solving and decision making, presentation and meeting facilitation.

Shared Services Centres

Hydro - Sämling Solution Consulting


Shared Services Centres
Leadership development - Comprehensive skills development at middle management level. The 7-day training programme covered leadership, time management, communication and self-awareness development. The programme concluded with a team building session.

UNICEF - Sämling Solution Consulting


Shared Services Centres
Lean approach to Service and Lean Leadership - Developing Lean Change Agents for the global organisation of UNICEF GSSC : 18-part English-language video e-Learning training material with test questions for understanding; 4-day Lean Service basic training + 3-day practical workshop on existing processes with cross-functional teams; 1-day advanced training based on this to consolidate daily practises and Lean approach. Raising awareness of appropriate sponsorship and leadership support for management in the Lean Leadership programme.

Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions - Sämling Solution Consulting

Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions

Shared Services Centres
Implementation of skills development trainings for the entire workforce in blended learning from 2021 onwards - on the topics of Agile functioning in everyday life, interview techniques, time management, self-confidence and work-life balance, growth mindset and design thinking.

Howden - Sämling Solution Consulting


Shared Services Centres
Trainings, group and individual coaching for management, especially for young team leaders.

British Telecom Global Services - Sämling Solution Consulting

British Telecom Global Services

Shared Services Centres
Customer-centered communication training with over 100 participants, Task Project Management with over 1000 participants, Agile Leadership, Negotiation Techniques, Self-awareness, Home office mnagement, Leadership taining, Management of virtual teams, Presentation techniques, Trainings on motivation and trainings.

Building industry

KE-Víz Zrt. - Sämling Solution Consulting

KE-Víz Zrt.

Building industry
Development of organisational culture, project management, leadership development.

KÉSZ Holding - Sämling Solution Consulting

KÉSZ Holding

Building industry
Project management training (for beginners, intermediate and advanced project managers and team members) according to IPMA standards.

Zensteel - Sämling Solution Consulting


Building industry

Leadership development, sales development
Lean and efficiency training and consulting.
Sustainability training and consulting.

Market Zrt. - Sämling Solution Consulting

Market Zrt.

Building industry
Soft skills trainings, Project management.

Information technology

Nexon - Sämling Solution Consulting


Information technology

Communication training for case handlers - to strengthen the customer-centric approach and expand the necessary inventory.
Assessment Center and Development Center: Uniquely developed tasks tailored to the aim and target group, competency-based SHL assessment, detailed feedback both to the participants and the client.

3DHistech - Sämling Solution Consulting


Information technology
Value-creating collaboration, Agile functioning, personal effectiveness in projects and professional roles - a complex skills building training series - raising awareness of the efficiency of effective communication, motivation and appropriate conflict management strategies; team roles, change management and elements of Agile project management that can be put into practise immediately.

CAS Software - Sämling Solution Consulting

CAS Software

Information technology
Leadership development, talent programmes.


Duvenbeck - Sämling Solution Consulting


Development of the entire team of shift managers, team leaders and planners through training, shadow coaching and group coaching - Main focus areas: development of leadership tools and leader role awareness, strengthening cooperation between leaders - with a special focus on shift handover.

Raben Group - Sämling Solution Consulting

Raben Group

Lean strategy workshop

Waberers - Sämling Solution Consulting


Leadership development programme for senior and middle managers.

Commercial companies

OBI - Sämling Solution Consulting


Commercial companies
Leadership development and talent programmes.

LIDL - Sämling Solution Consulting


Commercial companies
Soft skill trainings based on the training palette.

Tesco - Sämling Solution Consulting


Commercial companies
Training of internal trainers and coaches - conducting coaching sessions.


Veolia - Sämling Solution Consulting


Soft skills training package, as part of the training palette.
Negotiation techniques training for the purchasing staff. Team building training for the IT department.

MOL - Sämling Solution Consulting



Talent programmes: Talent development programmes for international participants. 2 typical areas:

1. Advanced project management - interactive project management methodology training for international participants, through real, selected company sample projects, in cross-functional teams; followed by individual coaching of these project teams in the Project Team Coaching process, preparation of project documents based on the methodology, preparation of participants for project presentation to senior management.

2. Stakeholder management MOL Growww programme for recent graduates - a programme designed for international teams, focusing on Stakeholder identification and analysis, the characteristics of appropriate communication strategies, aspects of ethical influence and motivation, the roles played in this and in conflict management strategies. Multi-level project management training (ongoing since 2015) - basic and advanced training, stakeholder management, communication, human side of project management trainings in line with IPMA standards

Number of participants in the training programme: around 400

Pharmaceutical industry

TEVA - Sämling Solution Consulting


Pharmaceutical industry
Project economics and management training (for project managers and team members) in accordance with IPMA standards.

Meditop - Sämling Solution Consulting


Pharmaceutical industry
Efficiency and process improvement, Lean training, Leadership development, Organisational development.

Other manufacturers/service providers

KPMG - Sämling Solution Consulting


Other manufacturers/service providers
Lean Project and Stakeholder Management - Expanding the development work of project managers with the Lean Management approach, transferring Lean principles and tools with case studies and exercises, specifically designed for services and project.

Borsodchem – Wanhua - Sämling Solution Consulting

Borsodchem – Wanhua

Other manufacturers/service providers
A 2-year development programme for young talents from across the entire organisation. The focus is on developing co-operation skills, self-awareness and personal effectiveness.

SK On Hungary - Sämling Solution Consulting

SK On Hungary

Other manufacturers/service providers

Development of basic leadership skills for managers, development of specific activities (performance appraisal, stress management, conflict management, assertive communication, motivation). Methodological development of the internal trainer team. Improvement of the training/mentoring of production trainers.
Lean Green Belt training.

Claas Hungária - Sämling Solution Consulting

Claas Hungária

Other manufacturers/service providers
Soft skill trainings based on the training palette.

Sixt (Wallis Autókölcsönző) - Sämling Solution Consulting

Sixt (Wallis Autókölcsönző)

Other manufacturers/service providers
Organisational development cooperation

Kométa - Sämling Solution Consulting


Other manufacturers/service providers
Leadership development
Lean Leadership programme, with projects to efficiency improvement.
