Stress and Burn-Out
The aim of the programme is to build psychological resilience of participants. Further aim is to show points of view, means, methods and technics to participants supporting them in keeping their inner balance while facing work and personal life related stressful events.
The programme focuses on the individual differences and needs. Hence, it is an important objective of the course to show methodological variation, to show the many layers of stress management. Participants will be able to pick the approaches working for them, and will have a personal action plan by the end of the course. Participants will learn the modern approach to the notion and management of stress, they will also get familiar with methodologies to be used in everyday circumstances; enabling them to learn and grow even in stressful life events, resulting in gaining personal strength and resilience. The aim of the programme is to support participants in their growth and development in face of stressful circumstances.
- Self-discovery
- Positive thinking
- Skills of problem handling
- Skills of expressing emotions
- Self-esteem
- Self-control, self-regulation
- Social competences: cooperation, establishing connection, empathy, trust…
The modern approach of stress management is not focusing on awareness raising and technics, but rather on the generic supporting approach towards the notion and presence of stress. If we consider stress as a positive and supportive process, it largely helps our coping mechanisms. Nevertheless, if we consider stress as harmful and we start treating and fighting it, it might even influence the outcome of the process too. During our training, stress is shown as a natural and supporting psychological process – we don’t over emphasize the problems and dangers associated with the phenomena of stress.
The theoretical background of the programme is based on the following methodologies and models:
- Generic Adaptation Syndrome
- Coping model
- Positive psychology
- Cognitive psychology
- Resilience model
- Methods from sport psychology (target setting, visualisation, self-boosting)
- Time perspective model
- Relaxation methods
- Programme for the management and employee of an American based car industry company
- Stress management programme for an electronics industrial company having a French parent company.
- Stress and regeneration programme for the full management of a Hungarian medium-sized company in the construction industry
- Stress management programme for the leaders and employees of an Austria based construction company