Internal Instructor Training
Target group of the training: corporate internal trainers and leaders training out professional knowledge.
The aim of the training: learning an interactive teaching methodology that takes into consideration the learning specificities of adults while preparing participants adapting it to their own corporate environment.
I. Study learning theories
II. Interpersonal competences, self-reflection, skills of an instructor
III. Organising training
IV. Group processes and group dynamics
V. Presentation skills development
VI. Developing communication skills
VII. Modern teaching methods (methodology and toolkit)
VIII. Preparation of personal session plan
Participants get to know theoretical models connected to the subject. In individual and small group work, they examine their personal approaches and solutions of given special cases.The programme continues with the development of individual skills, and the learning and practicing of new methods and technics. It will be possible to experiment with and strengthen new skills through simulations and roleplays. With the help of videos, we develop the knowledge and skillset of participants.
Technics applied
- short presentations
- workbook
- individual work
- small group work
- simulation games
- role plays recorded on video camera
- analysis of recorded sessions
Development expected of training
- Participants should understand and accept their individual responsibilities in shaping their organisation culture. They should also have the skills to work with the human factor in an organisation.
- Participants to identify with their role as instructors.
- Participants get to know the peculiarities of adult education, they can also use this knowledge in the organisation and delivery of trainings within the company.
The instructors can practice their skillset in the following instances:
- group dynamics present in a training environment,
- need-based motivation theories relevantly used in the work of an instructor,
- teaching methodologies fitting different learning styles,
- up-to-date theory on the communication between instructor and participant
- up-to-date technics and methods of interactive teaching
- Participants of this training learn how to thoroughly organise trainings, how to write course scripts, and how to adapt flexibly to a group.
- To improve their presentation skills, to learn and actively apply their newly learnt presentation skills and the principles.
- At the end of the programme, participants will be able to assess their own accomplishments, they will be able to decide when it is needed to correct their methods or approach so that the most efficient course can be provided.
- Programme can also be realised as dedicated company programme tailor-made for the needs of the given enterprise.
Zaharula Manisz
+36 30 476 3748