
Resilience and adaptation in changing times

Aim of the training

Our modular programme is built to support participants in finding their key supporting resources during times of change. This can be a programme to support both professional and personal journeys.

Participants of this online training will get to know their adaptive skills in new environments, they will become aware of their resilient nature and will spend time with building their motivation map. Our aim is to support individuals in a group environment to find their resources. Nevertheless, adaptivity, resiliency and motivation are key components in a team’s life; therefore, this is a key focus programme for team managers and leaders too. They can have a support system built for their teams and organisations through these themes.

Target group

This is a great programme for team members who need support in these changing times. We recommend this programme to team members and leaders willing to put conscious effort in finding and utilising their resources. Team managers will benefit from this programme for their teams’ sake by discovering team adaptivity skills.


Hungarian, English, French

The structure of the training

    • 3x2 hour online group training on online platform
    • Exercises and downloadable eLearning content on our LMS platform

Ask offer

Iván Münnich
+36 20 213 0630


For further information please contact:


Soft Skills Development

Managing Director
Trainer, Organisation Development Consultant, Coach